Saturday, December 28, 2019

Business Ethics and Tourism - 5065 Words

†¢UTTERWORTH II~E [NEMANN 0 26 I-5177(95)00015- I Tourism Management, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 26.3-268, 1995 C opyright  © 1995 Elsevier Science Ltd Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved 0261-5177/95 $10.00 + II.00 C urrent issues B usiness ethics and tourism: from m icro to macro perspectives A lf H Walle Travel and Tourism Program, University of Nebraska, West Center C226, Kearney, NE 68849, USA Business ethics is a complex field which the tourism industry must understand. In addition, t ourism is a unique industry; although general concepts of business ethics are often useful, t ourism transcends mainstream business and must be evaluated accordingly. By forming alliances with subdisciplines of business†¦show more content†¦Is the strategy legal? H as the organization r esponded to problems and i ssues which have emerged as s ignificant? F uture problems are addressed e ven if the organization is not d irectly involved in causing t hem 2. Is the strategy profitable e nough (however measured)? m anner if executives perceive that doing so is a good t actic. W hile Friedmans arguments are most powerful f rom a theoretical vantage, Keith Davis analyzes m odern business as it actually exists. 34 Davis e mphasizes the powerful position of modern busin ess; as a result of this clout, he argues, stockholders a re merely one of several legitimate stakeholders which must be considered when strategies are being f orged: economic power and its impacts create moral a nd ethical responsibilities. O nce Davis establishes this point, however, he p arallels Friedman by asserting that socially res ponsible behaviour ultimately benefits the organ ization and can help prevent government intervent ion and regulation. In addition to merely staving off g overnment interference, furthermore, the good pShow MoreRelatedA Report On Eco Tourism Essay1695 Words   |  7 PagesINTRODUCTION: This report is all about the eco-tourism business in South Africa. The chosen business is wild life experience park in which different activities are included like wild life safari, eco-friendly boating, whale and dolphin watching. In the wild life experience park the species are protected because the different species are placed at different part of the jungle. This report demonstrate the brief knowledge about the eco-tourism, Sustainable eco-tourism, sustainable practices, Impact are minimizedRead MoreBusiness Memorandum Analyzing Market Feasibility in India1354 Words   |  6 PagesBUSINESS MEMORANDUM analysis, the following conclusions were derived: 1. Scale the Philippines facilities to increase the production of parts and products created to supply the orders from the Asian markets, while decreasing the U.S. production. 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